Global FP

Thank you for visitnig my web site.
I am a financial planner in Japan, Takahiro Uchiyama.
I have been running my own FP company since 2006.

I always provide my clients with financial planning and consulting. And then, I am often in charge of financial seminars, workshops in financial institusions like banks.
In addition, I am a part time teacher in a private university. I give classes once a week in the economic department.

My quolification and careers are follow.
・Certified Financial Planner(CFP®, international quolification)
・1st grade Certified Skilled Worker of Financial Planning(National qualification)
・MBA(Master of Business Administration, Kyushu University)
My master’s thesis is “Solutions to Improve Financial Literacy and Roles of Financial Advisors in Japan

This web site is basically for Japanese who are interested in Economy and English . I aim to enhance their financial literacy and English skill at that same time.
Some categories like “Personal Finance in Japan” are written in English.
I want to tell about financial matters in Japan.

I have served some foreigners living in Japan as FP.
With a view to becoming international FP, I would like to give you fruitful information on this web site.

Thank you very much.
Takahiro Uchiyama